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There are probably thousands of simple projects in the Nore and Suir catchment which can improve the spawning and nursery conditions for migratory and local fish.

Clearing excessive growth will let  light into fast flowing riffles, encourage in-stream plant growth and foster insect (ie. food) life.

Stream stabilisation will reduce the negative effects of bank and soil erosion.
Water flowing at Bradley's Weir, August 2009

Bradley's Weir, August 2009
Insect surveys will signal potential pollution problems.

The slideshow links below show some of the habitat projects which the Trust is involved in.

We have also included the Meadow Saffron which is unique to the Nore valley and is an Annex II species under the Habitat Directive.

  Ballyconway Bridge
  Unique 'Meadow Saffron'.
  Dipper at Bradley's Weir

habitat projects